Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The Argonian is a reptilian race that appears in the Elder Scrolls 4, and 5. Argonians home land is Black Marsh. Argonians are all resistant to all poisons, and have a high immunity to disease. Argonians had to defend their land, which led them to being experts in guerrilla-warfare. The Argonian is very similar to a lizard, they have scaly features, with a tail, and are are very stealthy, and agile character, but not as stealthy, and agile as the Khajiit. Argonians are highly skilled in picking locks. The Argonians have their own assassin group called the Shadowscales. The Argonians are taken as hatchlings by the Dark Brotherhood, and are trained in how to be stealthy, and how to fight in combat. Shadowscales serve their country, until the the Dark Brotherhood adopts them. Many of the Argonians seem to have in interest in magical arts.Argonians have had a tough background, with abductions of the hist sap, and being slaves of the Dunmer.Argonians that were born and raised in Black Marsh have a hatred toward the Dunmer.

Pictures of some Argonians

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